National Crime Victims' Rights Week - Harrison
The Clare County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is excited to announce our First Annual Walk/Virgil to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week for 2022
The Walk/Virgil will take place on April 24, 2022 at the Mid-Michigan college, Poet Outdoor Education Center.
The 2022 NCVRW theme is Rights, access, equity, for all victims. The theme underscores the importance of helping crime survivors find their justice by—
enforcing victims' rights,
expanding access to services, and
ensuring equity and inclusion for all.
The 2022 NCVRW Resource Guide is now available to help you raise awareness about victims’ rights, protections, and services in the months leading up to NCVRW, during NCVRW, and throughout the year.
If you own a business and would like to help sponsor this event contact the number below.
For more information contact the Clare County Prosecutor’s Office at (989) 539-9831