Journey through the Mists of Time - Harrison
Please join us at Earth Wisdom this evening for a guided journey through the mists of time to meet with a loved one on the other side.
This journey takes place in the Earth Wisdom studio in a small group setting. Please bring a journal or notebook to record your messages and experience.
Your guide for this event is Vicki Kibby. Vicki has received accredited Shamanic Training in Ireland and the US, including training with the FSS (Foundation for Shamanic Studies) of which she is a member and is listed in their yearly publication as an accredited Drum Journey facilitator. She is also an herbalist, a Reiki Master Teacher, creator of Earth Wisdom drums and rattles and teaches classes in herbalism, reiki and shamanic tools.
Your investment in this special evening is $20. To reserve a place in this limited seating event, you must prepay by PayPal or text me
989-802-1250 for other arrangements.
Please follow us on Facebook, Earth Wisdom and Earth Wisdom drum journeys for all events, classes and workshops.