Clare Amish Market
Show Hours Friday & Saturday 8AM - 5PM
Yoder's Quilt Auction 10885 N. Leaton Rd. Clare, MI 48617 (989)386-2872
Located 3 Miles East of Clare on US 10 to N Leaton Road..then 1/3 MIle South
Vendor Information-
Set Up Time Wednesday beginning @ 12:30 PM - Friday @ 8:00 AM
*Please check in when you first arrive. If your lot is still empty at 7am Friday, and we have not been notified of your absence, I, Simon Yoder, have the right to resell the lot without refund. NO LOUD GENERATORS! NO FOOD OR DRINK VENDING WITHOUT SPECIAL PERMISSION! If there are complaints, you will be asked to shut off the generator and/or leave the premises. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR STORM DAMAGE, ACCIDENTS, OR STOLEN ITEMS